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History magazine - researches

Kleytman A.L. The Activity of Government Agencies in Collecting Information on Russian Regions through the Use of Surveys in 1700-1760s (on the Example of the Lower Volga Region)

Abstract: The research subject is the activity of the Russian government agencies on the central and regional levels in 1700-1760s in collecting information necessary for the study of the state’s territories in earth science and historic-cultural spheres, with the help of preparing and sending out particular surveys, as well as the result of this work – reports, answers to the surveys, books written on their basis. During this period scholars began a complex scientific study of Russian territories, with regard to which the named series of questions allows to trace how the development of the new methods of scientific mastering of the territory occurred, how the scientific study of these territories was tied to the actual government policy on the military-political and economic reclamation of the country’s regions. The research was conducted on the basis of the principles of historicism and objectivity with the application of the textual criticism and historic-comparative methods, and the method of systematic analysis. As a result of the conducted research it has been established that in 1700-1710s the collection and comprehension of the information regarding the geography, history, ethnography of Russian regions was carried out in the extreme conditions of constant military operations and implementation of vast government reforms. After the end of the Northern War, which chronologically coincides with the passage of the Tsaritsynskaya Watch Line that reduced the military pressure in the Lower Volga region, as one of the main means to collect information for the study of the region came to be used the distribution of surveys, the answers to which were prepared by the local clerks. The organization of surveys at this time, was primarily connected with the activity of several outstanding scholars, who realized the necessity of composing a general historical and geographical description on the Russian Empire – I. K. Kirillov, V. N. Tatishev, M. V. Lomonosov and G. F. Miller, and was not part of the constantly conducted government policy. Surveying allowed to accumulate information on the Russian regions, including on the Lower Volga region, in the Academy of Sciences and the Senate, but this method of collecting empirical material had a whole series of shortcomings, which under the existing conditions could not be overcome.


local studies, Volga-Don canal, Tsaritsynskaya Watch Line, surveys, Vasiliy Nikitich Tatishev, Gerhard Friedrich Müller, Ivan Kirillovich Kirilov, historiography, Lower Volga region, regional studies

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