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History magazine - researches

Volodin S.F. Modern Russian Historiography on the Efficiency of Labor during the Years of the New Economic Policy

Abstract: The article’s research topic is the modern Russian historiography's experience of understanding the problem of labor efficiency during the years of the New Economic Policy. The author subjects to analysis the works of L. N. Bekhtereva, Y. P. Bokarev, L. V. Borisova, L. I. Borodkin, Y. M. Holland, A. A. Iliyhov, L. N. Lutov, A. M. Markevich, E. I. Safonova, A. K. Sokolov, S. B. Ulyanova. The article presents the conclusion that historians, on the basis of using new sources and modern methodological approaches, significantly deepened the analysis of labor efficiency during this period. The methodological basis of this research is the historiographical analysis of historians' publications from the position of the research subject's unity, its development and continuity. The article research's novelty lies in it presenting a complex description of the achievements of modern Russian historiography in shedding light on the issue of labor efficiency during the years of the New Economic policy. The article's author comes to the conclusion that on the basis of using new sources and modern methodological approaches scholars were able to considerably deepen the analysis of the named issue, including through the prism of cultural anthropology, social psychology, labor motivation and organizational conflict. All of this, undoubtedly, enriched the understanding of the ambiguous industrial life during the period of the New Economic Policy. The historical analysis from the position of sociology and psychology of management also has its own perspective on this issue, which would allow to balance the often too categorical understanding of the multifaceted historical phenomenon of the New Economic Policy.


labor productivity, labor discipline, economic accounting, historiography, state industry, industrial relations, factory, New Economic Policy, labor dispute, wage

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