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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Suetin T.A. Reality Game

Abstract: The author studies the phenomenon of game in terms of anthropology. Philosophers and cultural researchers quite often appeal to the phenomenon of game as one of the most mysterious and at the same time important phenomena of human life. The author of the present article focuses on the grounds and importance of human game that allows an individual to escape from his or her everyday life into the fantasy world. The author analyzes the phenomenon of game as the way to enrich and expand the reality. Games are there in all the aspects of human life. The phenomenon of game is studies in terms of philosophical anthropology as well as psychology, aesthetics and cultural research. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author views the phenomenon of game from the point of view of modern tendencies such as pragmatism, hyperrealism, and consumer society. In a serious and business-life world human tries to escape to his or her fantasy world even more often than before. The author notes that such phenomena of human life as life, death and labour do not only have elements of game but start to be like a game themselves. The author also analyzes negative transformations of game, in particular, it acquires elements of everyday life, blends with reality and loses its distinctive nature. According to the author, modern game loses its sacred spiritual meaning. 


anthropology, life, existence, culture, society, fantasy, reality, game, human, psychology

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