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Philosophy and Culture

Pak E.G. On the role of culture in “South Korea’s economic miracle”: socio-philosophical analysis

Abstract: The subject of this research is the role of culture in emergence of the “South Korea’s economic miracle”, which can be viewed as rapid change in the economic sphere of social life during the process of modernization of society. M. Weber, whose research laid foundation for the cultural determinism, signified the impact of culture upon the economic activity of society in the beginning of the XX century. However, by the end of the century it became evident that endowing culture with special role in the process of modernization of society, distorts the picture of the reality. The concept of R. Inglehart on the complementary nature of correlations between the various spheres of social life comprises the methodology of this work. Examination of “South Korea’s economic miracle” confirms the relevance of the proposed theory, demonstrating how within the specific historical period, all of the spheres of social life (economic, political, social, and spiritual) interacted, complemented, and enriched each other, which led to the emergence of the aforementioned phenomenon.


Confucianism, mentality, religion, culture, politics, nation, economic miracle, South Korea, modernization, Christianity

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