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Politics and Society

Platonova N.I. Current activity of political parties: notion and peculiarities

Abstract: The subject of this research is the essence of activity of the political parties, the peculiarities of which are substantiated by the duality of their legal nature. The author carefully examines such aspects of the topic as the specificities of set by the parties goals and task, legal regulation of party activity, ways of attraction of the necessary financial resources, and responsibility for violation of such order. Special attention is given to the study of the current party activity, which is realized on the regular basis, and not connected with holding the electoral campaign. The author’s main contribution into this research consists in the proposed definition of the notion of “current activity” of political parties. Justification and authenticity of the acquired results were achieved using such methods of scientific cognition, as formal-legal, analysis, lexical-grammatical, and interpretation. Despite its fairly broad use in the number of works alongside the practice, it yet has not received the theoretical substantiation.  


goals of political parties, tasks of political parties, electoral funds, sponsorship of political parties, parties funding, electoral activity of poitical parties, current activity of the parties, criminal liability, administrative liability, political parties

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