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Financial Law and Management

Ponomarenko I.V. On the Question about Differentiating Between Terms 'Budget Competence' and 'Budget Powers': Legal Basis and Peculiarities

Abstract: Today's academic and legal literature often uses the terms 'competence' and 'powers' as synonymous. This approach is appiled in the sphere of budget law, too. However, adequacy of legal instruments used by budget law requires specific and detailed characteristics of such terms as 'budget competence' and 'budget powers' which is the subject of the present research article. The author of the article analyzes the terms 'budget competence' and 'budget powers' from the point of view of budget law development and defines the main milestones therein. The methodological basis of the research involves analysis of the aforesaid concepts in budget law for the purpose of their in-depth study. The author of the article analyze general and specific characteristics of these terms and derivative legal concepts and stages of the legal use of these terms; and causes of amendments and changes in budget law as well as associated problems and contradictions. The author demonstrates how the above mentioned terms originated and what technical legal, socio-economic and institutional factors created the grounds for their appearance. 


income powers (authorities), differentiation of powers, powers, authorities, competency, expenditure powers (authorities), state debt, budget policy, budget law, budget, national (internal) debt

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