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Financial Law and Management

Burkal'tseva D.D., Kireenkova A.I. Peculiarities of the Structure of Investment Sources into the Basic Capital of Russia

Abstract: Investment activity creates a basis for the development of all kinds of business. In order to carry out such activity, it is very important to satisfy the need for investment resources, methods of developing such resourches and methods of their efficient use in the future. Thus, peculiarities of the structure of investment sources and analysis of formation and use of investment resources in the Russian Federation is an important task because the overall level of the country's economy, economic security and institutionalization depend on how efficiently these resources are formed and used. The subject of the research is the structure of investment sources into the basic capital of Russia. The purpose of the present article is to analyze the process of developing investment resources in the Russian Federation as well as to define peculiarities of the structure of investment sources. The authors of the article apply the method of analysis when defining the main sources of attracting investments into the basic capital of the Russian Federation and evaluating the gross accumulation. They also use the graphic method to build the structure of investment sources into the basic capital of the Russian Federation and to describe the dynamics of Russia's gross domestic savings and gross accumulation. The main results of the research are the following. The authors have defined the main causes of low investment activity of Russian enterprises; have analyzed the main sources of attracting investments into the basic capital of the Russian Federation; have described certain economic activities that promote the best investments into the basic capital of the Russian Federation; and have given recommendations for solving the problem of attracting more investments in the country's economy. The scope of application of the results and the novelty of the research are as follows. The authors have discovered the relationship between the structure of investment resources and their influence on the financial stability and economic security of enterprises in the decision making process at the marcolevel (state regulation of the Russian Federation insvetment policy). Conclusions are the following. Investment resources should be taken from the most appropriate sources of a particular enterprise and used rationally. For this purpose it is necessary to apply measured aimed at improving the system of control over receipts and expenditures of the country's budget. The results of analyzing the past 5years demonstrate that Russian enterprises have been mostly using their own sources for their investment activity. However, taking into account the fact that such sources are usually insufficient for funding investment activity, the industrial potential of Russia is rapidly aging and Russia's economy has high needs for investments. Therefore, it is necessary to provide the best comfortable conditions for restructuring the industrial process when obtaining tax investment credit or tax holidays. The statement that investment resources are not used rationally or efficiently enough is proved by the fact that a consderable part of domestic savings are not used for internal investments but taken abroad. In order to change this tendency, it is necessary to simplify the order, procedure and resude the number of approvals, licenses and technical conditions required for conducting investment projects in Russia.  


institutionalization, governance, economic security, financial stability, investment funds, financing, organization, efficiency, savings, capital

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