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Philosophy and Culture

Bagrova E.V. Philosophical analysis of the importance of artificial and natural in structural crises and social development

Abstract: The subject of this article is the philosophical analysis of the artificial and natural in structural crises and social development. The goal of this work consists in the answer to the question about preservation of the natural component in social development and crisis phenomena, as well as role of the natural within modern social dynamics and anthropogenic crises. The author also analyzes the achievements in the area of overcoming crises and leveling of the cyclic fluctuations. The important part of the conducted analysis consists in the philosophical bases of economic theories that are associated with the cyclic development and crises phenomena. For the purpose of obtaining the set task, the article examines the key concepts of the leveling of cyclic fluctuations and practical results of their realization. In the result of this research it is determined that when humanity learns to overcome the structural crises of misbalances of the same type, the unresolved philosophical alongside moral-ethical issues, change the form of origination of the crises, but its conceptual content remains consistent. Naturalness of the crisis phenomena that takes its roots in human nature, in many ways supersedes the leveling of the cyclic fluctuations. Moreover, only the crises associated with the current level of development of society and technologies are relevant during the each of the eras of social development.


level of technological development, social wellness, leveling of cyclical fluctuations, crisis management, civilizational pendulum, cyclic development, crisis, artificial, natural, bubbles

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