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Culture and Art

Goncharov V.V. Global Constitutionalism and the "Scrapping" of the National Cultural Code: Social-Philosophical Analysis

Abstract: This article focuses on the role of global constitutionalism in the "scrapping" of the national cultural code. The author substantiates the position that the globalization of socio-political, public-legal and financial-economic structure of national societies and States focused on formatting and the destruction of national identity, cultural, moral and religious identity. The processes of globalization result in unification and universalization of culture in global scale, on the one hand, to simplify management processes the global device and on the other hand, to prevent the creation of conditions for isolation of individual national societies and states. The author of the present article uses a number of methods of scientific research, in particular: formal-logical; historicism; forecasting; dialectic analysis; statistical. According to the author, Russia should resist the processes of cultural globalization. This confrontation should be integrated through the development and implementation of socio-political, state legal programs, activities, and systemic in nature. Otherwise, as "scrapping" national cultural code, our state is doomed to loss of its sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence. 


analys, socio-philosophical, code, cultural, national, global constitutionalism, Russia, West, demolition, international

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