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International Law and International Organizations

Polukarov A.V. International legal standards of criminal legal means of combating corruption in the social system

Abstract: The article focuses on the problems of legal and organizational issues associated with international legal counteraction of corruption in the social sphere. The author carried out a detailed theoretical and legal analysis of international legal means of combating corruption in the social sphere with universal legal positions. Discusses the author's position regarding the notion of international-legal counteraction to corruption. The main attention is paid to development of methods and methodology of international legal regulation of countering corruption in the social sphere. The methodological basis for the article was formed by the current achievements of the theory of knowledge. In the process of the study were used General philosophical, theoretical, General philosophical methods (dialectics, systemic method, analysis, synthesis, analogy, deduction, observation, modeling), traditionally legal methods (formal logical), and the methods used in specific sociological studies (statistical, expert evaluation, etc.).The main conclusion drawn from the results of the study, is that at present to ensure law and order in the social sphere it is necessary to improve the legal anti-corruption measures in the social sphere. The main contribution made by the authors in this article is the necessity of implementation of international legal standards for combating corruption in the social sphere. The novelty of the article lies in development of proposals for the development of forms and methods of fighting corruption and creating legal and institutional guarantees of legality in the social sphere.


Counteraction, Responsibility, Crime, Means, System, Social, Sphere, Corruption, Law, Standard

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