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Police activity

Fedorov A.V. Priority directions of improvement of organisational and administrative framework of investigative activities

Abstract: The subject of this research project is the analysis of the contemporary legal, institutional and administrative framework of investigative activities. The purpose of the research project is to identify the controversies and dysfunctions of the legal and institutional mechanisms and organisational mechanisms of criminal investigative activities, determining the priority directions of modernisation of regulatory provisions and the existent organisational and administrative mechanisms. The research methodology is based on the system and functional approach and the system and diagnostic analysis that had proved their effectiveness during the research, analysis and interpretation of problem-constituting triggers. The scope of application of the obtained results is dichotomous: these results can be used both as a scientific and methodological basis for the further investigation of the directions and procedures of modernisation of regulatory and legal framework of criminal investigative activities and as a source of practical and application-oriented recommendations, aimed at the optimisation of criminal investigative activities of operating units and specialists. The innovativeness of the author's approach is determined by the scientifically substantiated application-oriented recommendations in the sphere of criminal investigative activities modification. The reliability of the research results is based on the analysis and interpretation of a wide range of actual information, representing the contemporary state of criminal investigative activities. The suggested approach provides for the achievement of actual results, represented in the of conclusions, generalisations and recommendations presented below: the author defines the role and place of criminal investigative activities in the context of informational nontransparency and the emergence of hybrid criminal activity forms; the author outlines the problem-constituting contradictions within the study of the existent theoretical and methodological framework of criminal investigative activities; the author proves the prevalent role of criminal investigative procedures such as 'criminal investigation surveillance' and 'criminal investigation assistance'; the author substantiates the need for the modification of legal regulation of investigative activities; the author finds out that the investigative activities' effectiveness assessment is carried out by means of dysfunctional quantitative metrics within the index approach; the author carries out a comparative analysis of the newest evidential framework of investigative activities, implemented in temporary detention facilities and pre-trial detention centres (including the USSR experience), identifies the risks and restrictions of law enforcement.


documentation, crime detection, investigation assistance, investigative procedures, investigation surveillance, investigative measures, improvement, organisational and administrative framework, legal framework, investigative activities

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