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Taxes and Taxation

Faleeva K.V. Areas for Improving Tax Partnership Between Russia and Kazakhstan as the Member States of the Eurasian Economic Union

Abstract: The subject of the research is the tax relations arising in the process of intergration within the Eurasian Economic Union. The object of the research is the qualitative characteristics and quantitative indicators of evaluating the level of their tax partnership. In her article Faleeva offers her own definition of tax partnership reflecting new realities of integration processes in the post-Soviet environment. The author defines the main features that distinguish tax partnership from other terms, one of such features being tax competition. The author suggests to view tax partnership based on the example of relations between Russia and Kazakhstan as the most initiative members of integration processes. Special attention is paid to the method of evaluating the level of tax partnership. The methodological basis of the research involves systems analysis of legal acts, laws and regulations issued in the sphere of taxation of Russia and Kazakhstan, information provided by the two countries, and legal and statistical data of the Eurasian Economic Commission. The method of evaluating the level of their tax partnership include two parts, in particular, qualitative characteristics and quantitative indicators of tax partnership. The author's contribution to the topic is that through calculating qualitative characteristics and quantitative indicators, the author defines problems and gaps in the taxation systems of Russia and Kazakhstan. The author examines areas for improving tax partnership through applying the experience of the country that has the best indicators and characteristics. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author defines the largest problems and gaps in tax partnership and offers ways to eliminate them which, according to the author, would allow to reveal hidden potentials of improving the tax legislation and tax administration in both countries. 


tax convergence, Eurasian Economic Union, partnership, Customs Union, tax policy, tax competition, Eurasian Economic Union, tax harmonization, tax universalization, tax partnership

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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