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Politics and Society

Potseluev S.P., Konstantinov M.S. Imperial palingenesis: right-wing ideologies among students (article two)

Abstract: This article presents some preliminary results of a comprehensive study of the radical rightwing ideologemes in the minds of the student youth of the Rostov Region, conducted in 2015 by the team of scientists from the Southern Federal University and the Southern Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The theoretical foundation of this study consists in the author's concept of political ideologemes developed on the basis of integrated linguistic and political-philosophical concept of ideologeme (M. Bakhtin, F. Jameson, and others). M. Frieden's conceptual-morphological approach and R. Griffin's concept of «groupuscular right» were also used in the conceptualization process of theory of radical right-wing ideologemes. These theories have been adjusted to Russia's political and socio-cultural specificity. The study obtained precise data regarding the common among students' radical right-wing ideologemes, as well as the ideas and values that have a certain potential of development into the radical right-wing ideologies. The second part of the article is devoted to the analysis of the level of popularization within the students' consciousness of the fascist ideology – radical nationalism. It is demonstrated that the student environment has three levels of identification with the right-wing ideology. The group of respondents who consciously identify themselves average) 13-15% of the representatives of liberalism, conservatism and national patriotism.


identification, fascism, right-wing radicalism, morphology of ideologies, ideologeme, political ideologies, youth, students, social consciousness, sociologiclal survey

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