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Law and Politics

Tugarinova L.A., Logvinov I.G. The model of the classic prisoner’s dilemma in the game theory

Abstract: The author examines the situations, in which the interests of the sides are either directly oppose one another, or simply do not coincide. The author sees situations in which the goals are opposing, while the result of the operation depends on the actions of both sides, as conflicting, and provides a mathematical analysis of conflict situations within the framework of the game theory. The goal of this work is to make recommendations on rational choice of actions by the opposing sides in the conditions of absence of information on the behavior of the other side. The game theory is beneficial in cases when there is a need to determine factors of high importance that require consideration in situations of decision-making in the conditions of competition. The game theory can be applied in law enforcement, judicial, lawmaking and other legal fields. One of such is the classic prisoner’s dilemma, upon which the author conducts the mathematical research within the framework of the game theory. The author concludes that any process or situation, which involves two sides with opposing interests or interests that do not align, can be modeled and receive an answer in form of recommendations for optimal choice of actions of one of the sides in order to receive a better outcome.


Game theory, Behavior strategy, Recommendation for choice of action, Confrontation, Conflict model, Minimization of the proposed sentence, Matrix of the pair of strategies, Conflict situation, Classic prisoner’s dilemma, Probability of choice of strategy

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