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Philosophy and Culture

Zima V.N. To the question on ontological content of the category “created eternity” (in the context of the problem of interpretation of solution of the question about temporal status of the “beginning” and nomological level of created being in Eastern Patristic)

Abstract: The object of this research is the category of created eternity, which is viewed in three main aspects: as a category of ontology, by means of which the metaphysical distinctness of the created being is expressed within the framework of the Christian creationism, as well as the original intuitions are revealed in the context of the traditional for philosophy temporal problematic; as the subject of reflection in theological-philosophical tradition of the Eastern Patristic; as the subject of reflection in the modern research on history of philosophy and philosophy of science. The subject of this work is the question about the ontological and referential content of this category. The author suggest to examine this issue in the context of the problem of interpretation by the contemporary researchers of such ways of solution of the questions of temporal status of the “beginning” and nomological level of the created being, which were proposed in the Eastern Patristic. The category of created eternity is simultaneously analyzed from the two perspectives: as the subject of historical-philosophical examination, and history of ideas. The notion of the “created eternity” is viewed in the oneness of etymological, logical, and historical approaches, and for the first time it became the subject of systematic analysis. The author determines and analyzes the trend of a so-called extensive understanding of the ontological content of the created eternity, which is present is the modern research of the problem and associated with examination of the category of the created eternity primarily from the perspective of the philosophy of ideas. In the context of solution of the question about the temporal status of the beginning and nomological level of the created being, the author for the first time analyzed the opinion of the Russian philosopher and Patrologist V. I. Nesmelov associated with the interpretation of the suggested by St. Gregory of Nyssa solution to the problem of temporary sequence of the six days of creation. Based on the example of the analysis of the views of Gregory of Nyssa, it is demonstrated that such opinion cannot be considered appropriate. The conclusion is made that the extensive interpretation of the ontological content of the category of created eternity does not find its foundation in the authentic tradition of the Eastern Patristic.


Nesmelov Victor, Basil of Caesarea, Gregory of Nyssa, eternity, time, Greek Patristic, the created eternity, metaphysics, ontology, the created being

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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