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History magazine - researches

Karaichev D.N. Construction of the North Crimean canal. Labor management and incentives.

Abstract: Studies of the article concern the main ways to encourage increasing of labor productivity, implement the innovation proposals and new forms and methods of management, allowing to cut off downtime and raise industrial efficiency, taking place while both construction and operation of the North Crimean canal in 60-70th of the XX century. Particular examples would review as flexible and tempered policy of work incentives, related to builders and reclamation specialists of irrigating systems in the Crimean area, forced the next "great building of communism", initially based on enthusiasm, be turned into the effective and well-coordinated economic machinery, not merely conformed to new economic requirements, but also facilitated achieving substantial results. Conducted research was applied to comparative-historical and typological methods, based on principles of objectivity and historicism. Studying subject in use appeared published memoirs of the North Crimean canal participants, related media issues as well as archival sources out of records SA RF and RSAE. Main conclusions resolve to the fact, that despite apparent abundance of honorary titles, diplomas, distinctions, medals and prizes, awarded to ameliorators, the main emphasis nevertheless was assigned to financial benefits of their activity, resulted in holding up and engaging new qualified staff.


Crimean area, North Crimean canal, land-reclamation, irrigated farming, economic incentives, self-supporting basis, rural economy, team contract, honors, Ukrainian SSR

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