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Financial Law and Management

Palyuvina A.S., Kashirina M.V. Improving the System of Tax Incentives in the Calculation of the Mineral Extraction Tax in the Russian Federation

Abstract: The article addresses the problem of reducing the use of mineral extraction tax rates, in particular for oil, as well as highlights the difficulty encountered when calculating the mineral extraction tax in accordance with the regulations determining the reduction factors. The necessity of differentiating the tax on extraction of mineral resources was noted, however, continued reforms of the tax law makes it difficult to make decisions on companies investing in new regions of oil production. Benefits mineral extraction tax stimulate involvement in the development of hydrocarbon reserves, the development of which is inefficient and impractical in the absence of stimuli. The research methodology is based on logical analysis of legal norms of the tax legislation on the taxation of hydrocarbons as well as other research methods such as synthesis, deduction, and graphical method. The authors have presented proposals for tax incentives stranded oil production as well as reflect the ideas to improve the taxation of hydrocarbon production through the use of tax incentives. Particular attention is paid to the economic viability of exploration work on the new mineral deposits.


hard-to-recover reserves, tax exemptions, level of depletion, mining sector, differentiation of MET, reduction factors, oil industry taxation, exploration, new hydrocarbon deposits, tax revenues

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