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Trends and management

Shakirova R.K., Tsaregorodtsev E.I. Institutional environment of regional innovations in agricultural sphere: the human resource aspect

Abstract: The subject of this research is the education system as the element of institutional environment of innovation development of the rural areas (including the Mari El Republic). The choice of the topic is substantiated by the issues that have accumulated in the agricultural sphere of the Russian Federation. The agriculture represents the second largest portion of the GRP of the Mari El Republic, but the statistical data testifies of a pressing need for solutions to the problem of shortage of qualified work resources in the rural areas. The goal of this work consists in formulation of measures for development of the regional education system, aimed at increasing the labor potential of the rural areas. The authors analyze the statistical data that characterizes the development of the labor potential of the Mari El Republic, and determine the key problems in this area. A conclusion is made that there is negative trends with regards to availability of labor resources in the rural areas of the Russian Federation (on the example of the Mari El Republic), as well as the need to implement a complex of measures that would be aimed at preparing human resources for agricultural sphere and increasing the workforce in the regions.


professional certification, consulting, education system, institutional environment, employment potential, innovative development, structural imbalances, rural area, government regulation, complex approach

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