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Sakulin A.S. The change of the concept of political administration in Russia: from New Public Management to Governance

Abstract:   The object of this research is the concept of political administration. The subject is its changes in Russia during the period of 2000-2015. In order to determine the correlation between the concepts of New Public Management and Governance, the author analyzed the addresses of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the results of which are published in this article. The author examined the institutions, mechanisms, and processes that emerged after 2012 and determined their correlation to the aforementioned concepts. The work also refers to the relevant legislative acts. The scientific novelty of this research consists in selection of approaches towards assessment of the political administration and original formulation of its definition. It is substantiated that during 2012-2015 the concept of political administration was “reoriented” from the concept of New Public Management to the concept of Governance. The work demonstrates the realization of a number of its principles in practice.  


Participation, Involvement, State, Government, NGO, Administration, Civil society, New Public Management, Governance, Political administration

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