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Law and Politics

Shelestinskiy D.G. Federalism of law: objective peculiarities of development

Abstract: This article is dedicated to the analysis of the establishment of the principle of federalism in the United States of America, as well as the problems of its practical implementation and factors that affected this selection of the form of cooperation of states. The work generalizes the practical experience of application of federalism of law and judicial system that ensures its realization, “implied authority” and “supremacy clause” of the U. S. Constitution with consideration of opinions of a number of researchers. A comparative analysis is conducted on realization of the principle of federalism of law in the United States and the Russian Federation. Based on the conducted analysis, the author determines the specificity of the functionality of this principle of federalism of law that is characteristic namely for the United States. The author highlights the peculiarities of the development of Russia that form a different understanding and application of this principle. A conclusion is made on the limitation of the branches of government authority on the federal and regional levels in the United States.


Anglo-Saxon legal system, Hierarchy of the sources of law, Limitations of legislative regulation, Principle of residual competence, Competence of federal authorities, State authority, Cooperation of states, Implied authority, Supremacy clause, Federalism of law

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