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Police activity

Admiralova I.A. On the issue of administrative activity of the police and the protection of civil rights and liberties

Abstract: The research subject is the means of protection of civil rights and liberties in the Russian Federation. The author considers different levels of legal consolidation of the protection of civil rights and liberties and the reasons for their application, choosing the appropriate means of protection and the observance of the procedure of their implementation. The article discusses the idea that in its administrative activity, focused on the protection of civil rights and liberties, the police uses various approaches, thus applying a wide range of legal means designed for various situations. The research methodology is based on the dialectical method of cognition. The author applies the system and the activity approach and studies the protection of civil rights and liberties by the police from the position of the search for the patterns and interconnections, typical for their components. The author detects the basic principles of administrative activity of the police and solves the problems of their realization in the sphere of the protection of civil rights and liberties. The study reveals certain elements of administrative mechanism of the protection of civil rights and liberties in the police activities. The author defines the effectiveness criteria of administrative activities of the police, aimed at the protection of civil rights and liberties. 


permissive measures, offence, administrative protective measures, observance of lawfulness, legal regulation, administrative activity effectiveness, means of protection, civil rights, protection, administrative activity of the police

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