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History magazine - researches

Nesterova E.R. Several Specific Characteristics of Mongolian-Chinese Relations during the Reign of Kublai Khan (1260–1294)

Abstract: Modern East Asian studies pay special attention to the Mongolian conquest as such and the activity of Kublai Khan in particular. This article explores the influence of Chinese civilization on its conquerors in terms of Yuan dynasty. It aims to find out answers to the following questions: what aspects experienced the synthesis of cultures? Where did Chinese traits manage to prevail the Mongolian ones? Where the Chinese culture was under Mongolian influence? For better understanding of this period specifics the author discusses several circumstances of Kublai’s enthronement. The author used comparative historical and comparative culturological methods while working on the article, juxtaposing different records on the development of various spheres in the Yuan Empire during the reign of Kublai Khan. These are the main conclusions of the article: Kublai was the first of Mongolian rulers who tried to combine Mongolian and Chinese lifestyles. Administration and Mongolian everyday life were enriched by Chinese elements. At the same time, the opposite trend was present as well, as Mongolians influenced the Chinese art and language.


settled population, the nomads, art, government, culture, China, Mongols, cultural influence, Khubilai, Yuan Empire

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