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Philosophy and Culture

Siyukhova A.M. Ethnic myth as means of preservation of ethnocultural identity (based on the Circassian culture)

Abstract: This article examines the process of transformation of ethnic myth in the Circassian culture, starting with the antiquity era of creation of the epos of “Narta” and spanning to the modern post-Soviet period. In the first part of this work the author conceptualizes the notion of “ethnic myth”, as well as asserts the characteristics of its multilayerdness and universality as form of collective consciousness. In the context of the conducted research, the notion of “ethnic myth” becomes an instrument which allows the more detailed examination of separate segments of the ethnic pattern of the Circassians, as well as its wholeness. In other words, ethnic myth is illustrated as one of the forms of consciousness, including the modern representative of an ethnic group. To analyze the transformation processes of ethnic consciousness, the author applies methodology of G. Durand, who claims that the  world for a  man is can only be in “imaginary” form – a myth, collective and unconscious, which emerges as a primary process and consists form the imaginary, imaginer, and imagination along with the imagination process itself. The correlation of the two specific imaginary modes – day and night, expresses the peculiarities of different culture. Based on this fact the author analyzes the historical change of the boundary between the day and night segments of ethnic myth of the Circassians, which comprises the scientific novelty of this work. Based on the example of evolution of the mythical-epical understanding of ethnic values, the author makes the conclusion of the priority of the day world perception of the ancient Circassians, while the artistic heritage of antiquity already demonstrated the beans of the night mythological consciousness. The author also follows the changes in traditions and rituals, as well as brings examples of the modern forms of ethnic interactions which reflect the specificity of the day and night levels of mythological consciousness among the representatives of the ethnos.


night images, epic, Diurne/Nocturne mode, imaginary, picture of the world, ethnic myth, Circassians, ritual practices, post-Soviet sociocultural space, ethnic identity

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