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Philosophy and Culture

Flerov O.V. Intercultural communication as the scientific knowledge: origins of the research and main theories of the XX century

Abstract: Today the expression “intercultural communication” more and more often is being understood as a so-called “humanitarian stamp”, especially by the representatives of technical disciplines. At the same time, it is not just the process of dialogue between cultures, but a relatively independent sphere of scientific knowledge that studies this dialogue from various humanitarian positions. Despite the fact that as a phenomenon the intercultural communication exists for several thousand years, only in the XX century it becomes a scientific discipline. The author follows the origins of the scientific research of intercultural communication, as well as gives a review of its most famous theories emerged in the previous century. Special attention is given to the practical application of these theories and knowledge from the area of intercultural communication in the XXI century. The main conclusion consists in the fact that the scientifically substantiated theories and models are required for solution of the practical tasks of social interaction within the intercultural paradigm, which have emerged in the previous century due to political and socioeconomic reasons. This is namely why the development of such direction as intercultural communication was justified by the historical path itself. The scientific novelty lies in the statement that the process of establishment of intercultural communication as the area of knowledge is being illustrated in the context of modern problems in various spheres of life, which it is meant to solve.


intercultural communication, opposition, theory, knowledge, paradigm, dialogue of cultures, anthropology, time, context, values

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