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Law and Politics

Polukarov A.V. Issues and improvements of the practice of assignment of fines for corruption in the social sphere

Abstract: The subject of this research is the issues of the legal and organizational nature associated with implementation of fines for corruption crimes in social sphere. The author carefully examines such aspects of the topic as improvements to the practice of application of these measures over the recent years. A conclusion is made that the practice of issuing fines for corruption (including corruption crimes in the social sphere) are always undergoing change, which is closely tied to the constant reforms in the criminal law with regards to corruption crimes. The author’s contribution into the research of this topic is the discovery of the need to improve the practice of assignment of punishments for corruption crimes in form of fines. The author concludes that the systemic application of imprisonment as form of punishment for corruption crimes is not ideal due to various reasons, including economic, the threat of a systematic replace of the unimplemented and most popular method of punishment for such crimes – fines, can become an effective means in the fight against the “uncollectability” of the ladder.


Execution, problem, improvement, criminality, crime, corruption, social, sphere, responsibility, fine

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