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Pedagogy and education

Mamedova, L. V., Khoroshikh, P. P., Sergievich, A.A., Gudkov, Yu. E. The Role of a Teacher Mediator in the Inclusive Environment of the General Education School

Abstract: Th e object of the present research is the mediation service as part of developing the inclusive education system at the general education school. Creation of the inclusive environment created a number of confl ictogenic factors that infl uence all participants of the educational process: children, parents and teachers. Being an expert in confl ict resolution, a teacher mediator may help to release tension both in a group of children facing disputable situations as a result of the presence of a child with limited health capacities and in a group of teachers. In this particular article the authors analyze the teacher mediator’s methods of working with the main participants of the educational process. Special attention is paid to the principles of working with children who have limited health capacities. Th e main conclusion of the research is the established basic methodological grounds for the work of a teacher mediator in the inclusive environment. Th e authors note that the development of the inclusive system creates a number of confl icts which can be fully resolved only with the help of professional teacher mediators. Th e authors of the article also underline specifi city of the mediation service as part of interaction with a child who has limited health capacities.


culture of mediation, mediator, confl ict, inclusion, limited health capacities, teacher, confl ictogenic factors, child, education environment, psychological safety.

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