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Administrative and municipal law

Voenkova N.P. On some topical problems of re-licensing

Abstract: The research subject is the range of legal and organizational problems of administrative regulation of the activities of licensing authorities. The paper considers the problems of re-licensing. The author analyzes the comprehensive lists of reasons for re-licensing provided by the Federal Law of 4 May 2011 No 99 “On the particular types of activity licensing”. Despite the fact that this Federal Law was adopted quite a long time ago, the questions about the need for the renewal of licences, issued before this law enactment, are still urgent. The author considers the general cases of re-licensing and the practical problems caused by the absence of the deadline for submission of an application for re-licensing in the Federal Law. The research methodology is based on the recent achievements in epistemology. The author applies general scientific and specific methods. General scientific methods, including the system method, analysis, synthesis, analogy, observation, modeling and comparison, help reveal the main trends and patters of development of the research subject. Special scientific methods, including the formal-logical, comparative-legal and system-structural, provide the opportunity to detect, describe and reproduce the phenomena under consideration, and to compare them. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that so far, the problems of re-licensing haven’t been studied consistently. The author concludes about the necessity to amend the Federal Law of 4 May 2011 No 99 “On the particular types of activity licensing” in relation to systematization of cases of re-licensing and introduction of a deadline for relicensing in the article 18. 


licensing authority, supervisory function, legal regulation, state service, state control (supervision), regulation on licensing, re-licensing, license requirements, license control, licensing

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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