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National Security

Lebedeva E.V. Information security of CIS states: stages of implementation

Abstract: In this work the author focuses his attention on the process of international dialogue with regards to the questions of information security. The object of this research is the information policy of CIS countries on international arena. The goal of this article consists in determination of specificity of the stages of CIS countries’ work over the establishment of the normative legal and methodological base of ensuring the international information security. In order to achieve the set goal it is necessary to detect the key disputes on this issue with the Western colleagues, as well as to underline the dynamics of the notion “information security”. The scientific novelty consists in the acquired results during the course of this research pertaining to the assessment of CIS countries international policy in the information-communication sphere within the framework of the stages of its development throughout the period of 1990-2015. The analysis of the work of regional institutions from a perspective of the intergovernmental documents allowed explaining the conclusions that currently CIS states attempt to establish a complex and open system of international information security based on compliance of its participants to the universal rules that ensure security of information environment. The author presents the characteristic of CIS states information, its goals and principles in the context of three periods of its development.


Normative base, Political manipulation, Cybercrime, United Nations, Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), Sources of threats, Regional information security, Information space, Information security

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