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National Security

Ursul A.D., Ursul T.A. Goals of sustainable development and security issues

Abstract: This article explores the process of transition from the Millennium Development Goals to the Goals of Sustainable Development due to the introduction of the new Agenda in the area of sustainable development for the period until 2030 (later Agenda-2030). The new global Goals of Sustainable Development, following the Millennium Development Goals, contain 17 goals in the area of sustainable development and associated with them tasks. The authors demonstrate that from the very beginning the Sustainable Development as a new form of development of civilization had “targeted orientation” and suggested realization and formulation of the targeted hierarchy necessary for the establishment of the effective global management. In the long view, sustainable development in its “anthropogenic” component should implement the goals and principles of the Sustainable Development, which will be determined with each new stage of development of such type of socio-natural evolution. The author substantiates the position that the concept of Sustainable Development must drastically transform in “global dimension” and cannot limit itself by a “triad” of interconnection between the economics, ecology and social sphere, at least in its modern perspective. It is noted that preservation of planet’s biosphere is one of the major goals of the transition towards sustainable development, as well as its natural foundation, on which the sustainable development should be based upon, representing a new, gradually evolving and acquiring a global scale socio-natural process. The authors discuss the concept of planetary boundaries that establishes the corridor of global environmental security, within the limits of which the biosphere is being destroyed by the anthropogenic activity to the minimal degree.


planetary boundaries, noosphere, carrying capacity of ecosystems, natural security, Global governance, biosphere, security, sustainable development, Millennium Development Goals, Goals of Sustainable Development

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