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Law and Politics

Sinyaeva M.I., Shuklin I.A. Crime among minorities in the Black Earth Zone of Russia

Abstract: This article reviews the dynamic pattern of the social image of crime among minorities in the Black Earth Zone of Russia based on the systemic approach in the context of factors, substantiated by the consequences of the negative influence of global information space upon the consciousness of the younger generation. Taking into account the social nature of crime among minorities, the authors underline the relevance of research of the problems of the uneven distribution of crime in the Black Earth Zone of Russia, the regions of which do not diverge by a significant disproportion of their development, in other words, have approximately equal indexes in socioeconomic, demographic, cultural-historical, information, and other areas of life. The authors conduct an in-depth analysis of objective information about quantitative and qualitative content of the factors, which affect criminalization of the teenage youth. Practical importance of the analytical materials on the dynamic pattern of social image of crime among minorities is represented by the fact that they can be implemented in development and introduction of the corresponding government and public measures in the center or regions of the country, for the purpose of prevention of violations and fight against crime.


Prevention, Institutions of socialization of the minorities, Dynamic of crime among minorities, Youth crime structures, Coefficient of crime death toll, Crime indexes, Global information space, Psychological age, Juvenile criminal, Social image of crime

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