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Law and Politics

Kosorukov A.A. “Electronic government” in the process of Informatization of public administration: the experience of the Russian Federation

Abstract: The subject of this research is the “e-government”, theory and practice of its implementation in different countries, including Russia wherein, based on realization of the federal target program “Electronic Russia”, have been established the State automated system “Administration”, Multifunctional centers of provision of public and municipal services, Centers of public access to information of the federal executive authorities, Common Government Services Portal (functions). An important aspect of the examined topic is the analysis of such elements as “e-government”, “e-parliament”, and “e-justice”, as well as the main difficulties and prospects of their introduction into public administration. The author’s main contribution consists in the comprehensive study of theory and practice of implementation of “e-government” into public administration system of the modern Russia, as well as the analysis of the international experience of realization of “e-government”, “e-parliament”, and “e-justice” that can be adjusted to the Russian circumstances.


public services, Internet portal, electronic document management, openness, e-justice, e-parliament, e-government, Russian Federation, electronic participation, new media

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