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Politics and Society

Budaev A.V. Comparative analysis of the “soft power” in Russian and Chinese foreign policy

Abstract: The object of this research is the relevant aspects of Russian and Chinese foreign policy at the present stage. The object of this research is the instruments and technologies of the “soft power” in Russian and Chinese diplomatic activity. The goal of this work is to reveal the sources of origin, specificities, differences and similarities of the “soft power” in Russian and Chinese foreign policy, as well as to determine the role and place of the instruments of “soft power” in realization of foreign policy of these two nations. The author examines the main channels and vectors of implementation of “soft power” by Moscow and Beijing ; as well as its vulnerable sides, associated with the cultural-civilizational archetypes, achievements of Russia and China in various spheres, peculiarities of development of their economies, political systems, and civil society. The author comes to a conclusion that the content and manifestation of the “soft power” in Russian and Chinese foreign policy is based upon the multidimensional civilizational identity of these countries, as well as they have a particular institutional design which significantly differs from the traditional American and Anglo-Saxon cannons and standards. The role of “soft power” in the foreign policy of Russia and PRC will steadily grow, harmoniously complementing the methods and mechanisms of the traditional diplomacy in favor of ensuring their geopolitical positions in the world. The scientific novelty is defined by the insufficient scientific study of this topic. The work uses a new approach towards examination of the foreign policy of Russia and China that is based on the author’s hypothesis about the growing role of the “soft” diplomacy in realization of the foreign policy priorities of these two states.  


diaspora, religion, sports, culture, diplomacy, economy, independence, “soft power”, China, Russia

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