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Police activity

Abramov V.V. Some aspects of the information factor impact on Russia’s national safety

Abstract: The study is aimed at the improvement of national safety of the state via one of its components – information safety - strengthening. The research object is the range of social relations in the information sphere. The research subject is the impact of the information factor on Russia’s national safety. The author pays attention to the mechanism of formation of an information “database” of a person as a consumer and the object of information impact (management), with particular worldview assessments, defined by the source of information, which are necessary for the subject of information impact (management) to influence the information consumer’s behavior. The author studies particular circumstances, influencing the state’s safety in general. The research methodology includes general scientific methods (historical-legal and dialectical) and specific methods (formal logical). The author concludes about the importance of the creation of a new format of the national safety concept of the Russian Federation, which should be based on information supremacy. The impact of the information factor on the national safety substantiates the need for scientific and practical study of the aspects of information impact on the national safety. 


extremist activity, data, prevention, society, national safety, information, information impact, information factor, information sphere, Internet

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