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Administrative and municipal law

Vinokurov A.Yu. On the issue of prosecution agencies’ participation in offences prevention in the Russian Federation

Abstract: Based on the analysis of the provisions of the Federal law “On the fundamentals of offences prevention system in the Russian Federation”, the author reveals the legal status of prosecution agencies in the system of offences prevention. In the author’s opinion, this statutory instrument, on the one hand, contains the provisions designed for establishing the prosecutors’ role in the preventive work; on the other hand, the related provisions can hardly be considered as concrete and correct ones, due to the referenced mechanism built in it by the legislator. The author applies the method of comparison of the provisions of the considered law with the provisions of the federal law “On the Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation”. The author concludes that, despite the existing set of provisions in the federal law “On the fundamentals of offences prevention in the Russian Federation”, devoted to prosecution agencies, their direct role is limited to the supervision over the observance of laws by the subject of preventive activities. 


types of preventive activities, legal education, Prosecutors office, subjects of preventive activities, prevention system, offences prevention, warning, preventive conversation

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