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Law and Politics

Panokin A.M. Examination of new evidence in the court of appeals

Abstract: This work studies the issues of proof in the court of appeals, namely the questions of examination of new evidence, which received the assessment of the court of first instance, examinations on file that were not examined by the court of first instance, as well as examinations by the same rules of new evidence presented by the parties. An important place belongs to the analysis of the normative legal regulations and legal positions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, and courts of appeal of a number of the constituents of the Russian Federation on the issue of examination of new evidence in the courts of appeal. The author makes a conclusion on the need to overcome the current practice of hearing of a case in a court of appeals without examination of evidence, which does not allow to increase the level of legal protection of rights, freedoms, and legal interests of citizens and organizations involved in the sphere of criminal procedure that are guaranteed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal laws.


Proof, Verification of evidence, Examination of evidence, Additional materials, Cassation, New evidence, Evidence, Court of appeals, Court of first instance, Appeal

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