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Law and Politics

Ponomareva K.A. Prospects of bankruptcy of municipal formations: preventative and revitalizing budget strategies according to legislation of the Federative Republic of Germany

Abstract: The object of this research is the public relations that form in the areas of regulation of the financial and municipal law with regards to whether or not bankruptcy of a municipal formation is a necessary instrument for the Federal Republic of Germany, or whether the modern land strategies on prevention of municipal debt have other ways of rendering bankruptcy unnecessary. The subject of this research is the following positions: theories and concepts of the German financial law on the issues of bankruptcy of municipal formations; norms of the German financial and municipal law; Russian and German legal precedent on the disputes related to the issues of financial solvency of the municipal formation of the FRG. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that based on the latest legislation of the Federative Republic of Germany, the author conducts a comprehensive research on the institution of bankruptcy of municipal formations. The author believes that the introduction of the bankruptcy procedure for municipal formations is a debatable. The bankruptcy creates grounds for conflicts due to the guarantees of self-governance and inter-branch connections between lands and communities.


Financial solvency, Federative reform, Financial crisis, Failure, Federative Republic of Germany, Federal lands, Federation, Municipal formation, Bankruptcy, Budget

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