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Law and Politics

Belikova K.M. Collective agreements as the regulators of labor relations in South Africa: problems and prospects

Abstract: The article addresses the issues of legal regulation of labor relations complicated by a foreign element within the BRICS countries on the example of South Africa. It identifies the main problems faced by countries with common law and civil law legal orders with regard to the inclusion of labor in the circulation of goods and services in the context of labor migration. The author offers a comparative legal study that opens opportunities to predict the direction in which economic coordination and integration with the participation of Russia could be further developed and relative legal regulations could be made in the future taking into account the urgent needs for the improvement of the existing Russian legislation. This work is done with the use of the following scientific methods: systemic analysis and synthesis of normative acts and practical materials, formal and dialectical logic: analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, hypothesis, analogy, and special methods of legal studies – comparative legal and historical-legal, systemic analysis and interpretation of legal norms. The novelty of the research consists in the attention to legal regulation, problems and prospects of activity of trade unions, including the possibility of concluding supranational (international) collective agreements, in one of the five BRICS countries belonging to different legal orders - South Africa. The author explores legal aspects of the activities of trade unions, trying to answer the question if there any preconditions for unification of the results of their activities - collective agreements.


aparteide, collective bargening, collective agreement, labor unions, foreign element, labor relations, South Africa, BRICS, strike, lock-out

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