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Philosophy and Culture

Karagodina O.A. Mercy and charity as the concepts of national idea in Russia

Abstract: The article is devoted to the analysis of the role of life-meaningful orientations of socially significant activity in the context of search of national idea of the Russian society. It is supposed that its search has to be carried out proceeding from humanistic idea of mercy and existential need of the person to create the benefit. The author suggests criteria that must be met for the Russian national idea. The conclusion is that compassion and charity can become the concepts of the Russian national idea. These concepts reflect substantive values of development of the Russian super-ethnos. The national idea which was offered in article will allow to avoid negative consequences of globalization which goes on the way of a Westernization of the public relations and a alienation of the person both from the «I», and from «Another». The Russian national idea including concepts of mercy and charity will be able to promote preservation of values and ideals of our country.


collective consciousness, mentality, «russian idea», national idea, spirituality, mercy, charity, superethnos, national values, spiritual ideals

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