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Financial Law and Management

Bazhenov A.A. Consideration of the Interests of Users of Accounting (Financial) Statements at Unitary Enterprises

Abstract: The subject of the study is a set of factors that influence the formation of reliable information in order to accommodate the interests of users of accounting (financial) statements at unitary enterprises. The object of the study is economic entities, i.e. unitary enterprises, which use the property of the owner on the right of business (operational control) to achieve its goals. The author examines the features of formation of property of unitary enterprises and the possibility of withdrawal of part of the profit from its use. It was established that these features imply a reasonable and balanced approach to withdrawal of the profit from the use of the property by concerned users who have a financial interest formed on the basis of accounting (financial) statements. The research methodology is based on the dialectical method and involves the study of economic relations and development of phenomena and relationships, methods of systems and comparative analysis, economic-mathematical analysis of data, methods of synthesis, graphical modeling, methodology, theory, statistics and mathematics. The special contribution made by the author of the study is the finding that the hasty decision of the owner and leadership may cause damage to the activities of the unitary enterprise. In this situation, the solution may be the formation of the accounting (financial) statements of unitary enterprises aimed at ensuring the principle of neutrality of information, that is, it must satisfy the interests of all users, not just those who have a direct financial interest.


accounting reports, guidance, financial interest, net profit, total balance, withdrawal, owner, economic management, property, unitary enterprise

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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