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National Security

Cherepanova M.I., Maksimova S.G., Nevaeva D.A. Regional aspects of national security: the assessment of interethnic tension in the boundary regions of Russia

Abstract: The subject of this research is the specificity of the ethno-national processes and the functioning of the ethno-national policy in the Russian boundary regions: Altai Krai, Orenburg Oblast, Zabaykalsky Krai, Jewish Autonomous Oblast, Kemerovo Oblast, Omsk Oblast, and Altai Republic. The object of this research is the evaluation of interethnic tensions in the context of regional aspects of national security. Special attention is given to the analysis of specificity of establishment of the intolerant attitudes towards the representatives of various ethnic groups residing in the regions, as well as to the description of the causes and factor which justify these attitudes. The authors present a model of social factors stimulating the interethnic tension in the general regional selection. Scientific novelty consists in determination of the regional data on social factors that provoke the increase of interethnic tension, as well as hinder the interethnic integration in boundary regions of the modern Russian society. The authors conclude that the socioeconomic factors and particularly of the domestic character, which affect the crisis of social development, namely the spread of corruption and bureaucracy, indirectly create e negative social background that forms the conditions for the increase of interethnic tension. Among the most weighty and statistically significant determinants became the presence and incidence of terrorist threat in the regions; hooligan actions based on interethnic conflicts; physical abuse; judgment of interethnic marriages; unfriendly expressions about the people of other faith. And the less significant are the prejudices that impede the establishment of friendly relations, as well as rivalry for leadership between the representatives of different nationalities.


Ethno-national policy, Terrorism, Interethnic conflict, Intolerance, Tolerance, Interethnic tension, Interethnic relations, National security, Nationalism, Ethnic identity

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