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Law and Politics
Koblov S.Yu.
Overview of the U. S. legislation regulating trade and economic relations with participation of foreign countries
// Law and Politics.
2016. ¹ 6.
P. 709-718.
Koblov S.Yu. Overview of the U. S. legislation regulating trade and economic relations with participation of foreign countriesAbstract: The subject of this research is the norms of the U. S. legislation that regulate the trade and economic relations with participation of foreign countries. A special attention is given to the key aspects of the legislation, in particular, regulation of the spheres of intellectual property and foreign investments (including antitrust legislation). Among other issues, the author explores the technique of systematization of laws in the United States, the so-called “national security doctrine”, influence of U. S. domestic legislation upon the norms of international law that regulate the trade and economic relations between countries. The author used the works of Russian and American legal scholars in the area of international (including international economic) law and economic theory. The scientific novelty of this research consists in the doctrinal and systemic historical outlook upon the U. S. legislation that regulates the trade and economic relations with participation of foreign countries in the context of modern changes in the international economic legal order, through which the author concludes that the United States have accumulated a substantial amount of experience of state regulation of economic relations inside the country, which ensures regulation of the corresponding trade and economic relations, including trade of goods and services; application of fees and taxes; protective, anti-damping and compensation measures; anti-damping practice; protection of intellectual property laws and investment relations; labor and environmental standards; etc. Keywords: International legal order, WTO, Trade, Investment, Intellectual property, Foreign state, USA, United States, Trade and economic relations, Legislation
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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here . References
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