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Psychology and Psychotechnics
Berezina T.N. (2016). Psychogenetic Analysis of Individual Life Expectancy. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 265–271.
Berezina T.N. Psychogenetic Analysis of Individual Life ExpectancyAbstract: Individual life expectancy is viewed by the author as a psychogenetic attribute. In her research Berezina analyzes the influence of heredity and environment on life expetency. Berezina emphasizes that both factors have the influence on life expectancy and provides the results of the analysis of academic literature proving the influence of heredity and environment. The main proof of the great role of heredity on life expetancy involves: pre-programmed amount of cell divisions, so called 'death genes', 'biological clock' and etc. The main proof of the great role of the environment on life expectancy includes: life expectancy of laboratory animals influenced by the environmental factors, non-genetic aging causes, phenomenon of 'reverse aging' demonstrated by some living creatures, etc. The author also provides the results of her own empirical research using the classical twin method. 100 monozygotic twins and 70 dizygotic twins living in the Russian Federation in the XXth - XXIst centuries were studied. Based on the results of the research, the mean difference in life expectancy was 9,4 years for monozygotic twins and 12,3 for dizygotic twins. The results of the correlation analysis provide the correlation of individual life expectancy being 0,91 for monozygotic twins and 0,73 for dizygotic twins. Based on the results of the research, the author concludes that the overall and proximate environment has had the dominating effect on individual life expectancy in our country during the period of time under review. Keywords: personal organization of time., theories of aging, environment, heredity, dizygotic twins, monozygotic twins, twin method, individual life expectancy, psychogenetics, psychology
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