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Philosophy and Culture
Tishchenko N.V.
A prison metaphor within the modern Russian political discourse
// Philosophy and Culture.
2016. ¹ 5.
P. 689-698.
Tishchenko N.V. A prison metaphor within the modern Russian political discourseAbstract: The subject of this research is the prison metaphor in the Russian political discourse. The importance of metaphor in political statements and the dynamic of metaphoric preferences in the modern Russian political discourse are being demonstrated. The author determines the cultural-historical and philosophical aspects of the connection between the discourse of authority (both, official and oppositional) and the statements characteristic for prison culture; the social and cultural consequences of such interaction are also being detected. During the analysis of the literary and philosophical texts, two types of interpretation of the prison culture characteristic for the Russian culture, as well as their influence in the modern political discourse, are being detected. The author substantiates the methodology of defining the political metaphor, classification of metaphors, as well as distinguishes metaphorical models, which help interpreting the modern political reality. On the examples of speeches of the political figures of the XX-XXI centuries, the author emphasizes the typical ways of expression, within the context of which the prison metaphor is being used. Scientific novelty consists in challenging an entire list of debatable issues associated with the historical-cultural prerequisites of the formation of various types of political discourse, including foreign which attempts to interpret the Russian reality. The author defines the various strategies of application of a prison metaphor within political discourse, depending on its historical realities and ideological orientations. Keywords: Political figure, Ideology, Human rights, Image of prisoner, Prison culture, Prison, Statement, Methodology of research, Metaphor, Political discourse
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