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Philosophy and Culture
Prokhorov M.M. (2016). Being and/or mystification. Philosophy and Culture, 5, 629–649.
Prokhorov M.M. Being and/or mystificationAbstract: The subject of this research is being and its reproduction in various worldview forms, ant/or its mystification. The research is divided into four key problems. The first one is the combination of being and its mystification on the example of the works of V. A. Kutyrev: recognizing being, he denies the ontological meaning of dialectics which represents a so-called second layer in determination of being, expressing it in the system of universal categories that form an “attributive model of any object”. The second – is an analysis of the attempts of imagining “technologization” (emerging from theory into practice technocratic reasoning) as an exit beyond the boundaries of posing and solution of the main question of philosophy. The third – is the examination of differences in the foundations of mythological, religious, and philosophical beliefs, which determine the specificity of each of the stated forms, predestining their ability or inability towards reproduction of the characteristics of being, in other words their mystification. The fourth one restores the ontological content of procedural categories and their methodological importance. Special attention is given to the principle of unity of the historical and the logical. The author believes that currently the fundamental values of dialectical-materialistic methodology are put behind by the conjuncture circumstances, the applied value of the falling under the authority of the capital and officialdom of knowledge, which becomes a commodity. Scientific novelty is characteristic to all four parts of the article and consists in the following: The ontological content of dialectics as a second layer in determination of being becomes restored; history of humanity is considered to be the third level of determination of being in its highest form; The philosophical foundations of technologization and technocratic thinking, shifting from the theoretical level into practical level are being defined; An analysis of the qualitative differences within the foundations of mythological, religious, and philosophical outlook is being presented. The connection of technologization with the religious and idealistic beliefs, enclosed in the principle of transcendence, is being revealed. Keywords: dialectic of irreversibility, philosophical, religious, mythological, technologization, mystification, being, comparison, transcendental idealism, post-modernism
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