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Culture and Art

Kvon D. The Main Peculiarities and Problems of the Theatre Education in Korea

Abstract: The subject of the present research article is the theatre education in Korea and associated problems. The biggest problem of the modern Korean theatre is the relationship between actors and directors based on traditional Confucianism and traditional patterns of behavior. Even though contemporary Korean actors receive their education at universities, Korean system of higher theatre education is still in the process of development. Except for some universities, most Korean universities do not have individual departments of acting, stage directing or theatre history but have only general drama or cinematographical-theatrical faculties. The researcher has used the comparative method to compare the Korean system of theatre education with the Russian system of theatre education based on Stanislavsky's method. The main conclusion of the research is that Stanislavsky's system Koreans are already accustomed to should be completed with Meyerhold's method which may contribute to the development of the national theatre because conditionality is the main feature of Meyerhold's method and the basis of the Korean national theatre. Enrichment of Stanislavsky's method with Meyerhold's pedagogical techniques can be useful for the Korean acting school and provide the key to success of a Korean student in the theatre world. 


professional theatre, Meyerhold, Stanislavsky’s system, Koreans, director, actor, Confucianism, Korean theatre, theatre education

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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