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Philosophy and Culture

Baeva L.V. Ethics of the information world: problems of establishment and development

Abstract: The modern society, in which a significant portion of communications shifted into cyberspace, regulates a specific type of ethics, a so-called information, computer, or ethic of information society, intended to ensure the civil rights and liberties in both, real and virtual sphere of activity. At the same time, the ethical codices of information society, as the information society itself, continue to be in the stage of development, and the virtual interaction is often realize outside the universal ethics or have its own specificity and rules. These problems comprise the subject of the research of a peculiar section of information ethics, which is aimed at the analysis of the moral aspects of development of information technologies, ethical principles and norms of virtual communication, moral issues associated with media community. The object of this work is the characteristics of the problems of information ethics, its status, as well as the review of the ethical codices encouraged to regulate the information society that are introduced on the international level. The development of information ethics is examined with relation to the phenomena of electronic culture and process of virtualization of a lifestyle of a contemporary human being. The article presents an original definition of the “information ethics”, as well as the analysis of the subject of its study and specificity. The author determines the subjective and objective factors of formation of information ethics, and substantiates its special status and place within the system of scientific philosophical knowledge. Special attention is given to the role of UN and UNESCO in development of the ethnical codices and Declarations of information society; the main trends of development of international activity in this area are being systematized.  


Cybersecurity, Cyberthreat, NBICS-technologies, Electronic culture, UNESCO, UN, Information society, Ethical codex, Virtualization, Information ethics

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