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Politics and Society
Lavrent'ev D.S. (2016). Social justice in regional population assessment as a factor of political agenda formation. Politics and Society, 5, 672–679.
Lavrent'ev D.S. Social justice in regional population assessment as a factor of political agenda formationAbstract: The article gives assessment to the role of “social justice” as a political factor which composes a system of social, political, and economic relations in the region. The role of conflict potential, formed by the differences in assessments of social justice among the groups of local community, is being analyzed as an instrument of sociopolitical development of local communities. The author pursues correlation between self-identification of the residents according to social, political, and economic status, as well as between dominant political practices. The role of sociopolitical monitoring in the political management system is revealed on the regional level. The main conclusions of the conducted research consist in the ability to analyze the following correlations: a) between the views on the social justice and dynamic of political ideas amongst the members of local and/or regional community; b) competition/rivalry of opinions and ideas about the social justice; c) connection between political moods dominating in the society, and the views and ideas of marginal communities that are able to affect the existing social dynamics, and as a result, lead to political and social conflicts. Keywords: legitimacy, political mobilization, political struggle, social policy, social justice, region, political regionalism, political forecasting, political institutions, sociological monitoring
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