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Politics and Society

Zamotaev D.Yu. Political activity of Internet audience at regional level and its relation to non-governmental organizations activity

Abstract: The purpose of work is the analysis of the Russian Internet audience as participant of political communication at the regional level and its relation to activity of non-governmental organizations as important subjects of civil society formation. Selective questioning data of the population of Krasnogorsk region in number of 300 people served as material of the research. The object of research included the following components: 1. Sociopolitical analysis of the Russian Internet audience features; 2. Features of respondents network activity ; 3. Population idea on a role of non-governmental public organizations in Russia; 4. Classification of public opinion concerning a role and influence of NGO at the regional level. The analysis of the received results testifies to increase of number of the Russian Internet audience, and on the other hand low activity and citizens participation in the processes happening in modern political life is noticed. Increase of citizens social activity can be raised at the expense of "moderate" and "inconsistent" supporters when strengthening the state information policy directed on a wide explanation of activity principles, functions and tasks of public institutes and formation of the positive attitude towards them. Scientific novelty the author's contribution are defined by the changing structure of development of Internet communications in Russia. The wide representation of information platforms is necessary for formation of political culture of society for bilateral communication, including regional level, involvement of citizens to dialogue, public discussion of a state policy on the Internet.


policy, region, non-governmental organizations, civil society, Internet audience, activity, interests, opinion, awareness, participation

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