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The union of criminalists and criminologists

Bychkov V.V., Brazhnikov D.A. Victimological prevention of larceny

Abstract: The research subject is the role of an aggrieved person in the genesis of a socially-dangerous act. His role is conditioned not only by his behavior, but also by some psychological components. The authors insist on paying special attention to the problem of acquisitive crimes on the part of the victimological approach. The paper draws attention to the special role of victimological prophylaxis as a multifaceted activity of the state, the society and all law enforcement agencies. Therefore the prevention of victimization and the prevention of criminal behavior act together and are considered as an inseparable process. The authors apply the system and comparative methods, the method of cause and effect relationship, analysis and synthesis. The research novelty lies in the detailed analysis of the system of acquisitive crimes prevention on the part of victimological prophylaxis. The authors emphasize the short-sightedness of limitation of tactical methods of prevention by affecting only the persons committing larceny. The conclusions are formed in the concrete suggestions about social prophylaxis and personal protection improvement. 


property, possession, society, victimology, struggle, criminality, prevention, larceny, stealing, crime

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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