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The union of criminalists and criminologists
Grishko A.Ya.
Implementation of the provisions of criminal and penal law in crime prevention
// The union of criminalists and criminologists.
2015. ¹ 1.
P. 72-77.
Grishko A.Ya. Implementation of the provisions of criminal and penal law in crime preventionAbstract: The author analyzes the mechanism of implementation of the provisions of criminal and penal law in crime prevention. The research subject is the provisions of criminal and penal legislation playing crucial roles in crime prevention. The paper emphasizes the importance of the stage of preparation of the convicted for deinstitutionalization and post-penitentiary adaptation, on the one hand, and the declarative nature of the existing provisions of criminal and penal legislation and the absence of a specialized post-penitentiary service, on the other hand. The author characterizes the legislative inconsistency, and offers the ways of its improvement. The research methodology is based on the comparative and system methods, statistical analysis, the method of cause and effect, and content-analysis. The author analyzes the provisions of criminal and penal law from the position of preventive impact; outlines the key inconsistencies in the process of implementation of criminal and penal legislation. The author considers the problem of crime prevention from a new point of view and offers key proposals. Theoretical discussions and the search for practical ways of the penitentiary system improvement can help to create the national Russian structure based on the progressive penitentiary system. Keywords: criminal and penal law, convicted, registered, are, post-penitentiary prevention, problem, regimes, conditions, implementation, provisions
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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here . References
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